Smash, Crash, Topple, Roll!

Smash Crash Topple Roll

illus by Shan­da McCloskey
Chron­i­cle Books
May 6, 2025
ages 8 and up

Junior Library Guild Gold Standard

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The Inventive Rube Goldberg

A Life in Comics, Contraptions, and Six Simple Machines

A joy­ful­ly illus­trat­ed pic­ture book biog­ra­phy of Rube Gold­berg for STEM-lov­ing chil­dren and the many peo­ple who enjoy doing sim­ple tasks the hard way.

Award-win­ning author Cather­ine Thimmesh’s irre­sistibly engag­ing text and artist Shan­da McCloskey’s ener­getic, car­toon-style art­work intro­duce read­ers to the life and cre­ative lega­cy of Rube Gold­berg, the world-famous inven­tor of crazy con­trap­tions. A rol­lick­ing edu­ca­tion­al kids’ book that is part biog­ra­phy, part inspi­ra­tion, and part physics how-to, Smash, Crash, Top­ple, Roll! posits the ulti­mate ques­tion … why do any­thing the sim­ple way? (Espe­cial­ly if, for instance, there is a cat­a­pult option?)

Because, of course, there are lots of things you can do the sim­ple way:

Set an alarm,
flip a switch,
open a door,
toast some bread …
But what if, instead, you did things the Rube Gold­berg way?
End­less­ly enter­tain­ing,
need­less­ly com­plex,
and achiev­ing a del­i­cate bal­ance of physics, humor, and excite­ment!

The book includes an overview of the six sim­ple machines that pow­er most of Goldberg’s inven­tions and puts the tools for mak­ing real-life Rube Gold­berg machines right into read­ers’ hands. It’s the per­fect thing to spark the imag­i­na­tions of bud­ding inven­tors, artists, and thinkers of all ages—because the most promis­ing rela­tion­ships with sci­ence start not with a text­book but with the will­ing­ness to break stuff and ask sil­ly ques­tions!

SCIENCE MADE FUN: Sure to excite stu­dents, teach­ers, and par­ents look­ing for a play­ful, hands-on way to dive into the sci­ences and con­nect to STEM and STEAM efforts in schools, where Rube Gold­berg machines are already in use, this book offers a fun way to approach the some­times-daunt­ing sub­ject of physics.

INSPIRATIONAL AWESOMENESS: There are more and bet­ter oppor­tu­ni­ties for kids to embrace and explore a love of sci­ence and engi­neer­ing today, and Rube Gold­berg was an artist, too! This is the per­fect book to encour­age the sci­en­tist and artist in every kid.

POPULAR SUBJECT FOR KIDS: There are over 1 mil­lion views of var­i­ous Rube Gold­berg videos on YouTube fea­tur­ing over­ly com­pli­cat­ed ways to turn a page, pass the salt, water a plant, and more.

Per­fect for: 

  • Young mak­ers 
  • Par­ents, grand­par­ents, and care­givers encour­ag­ing bud­ding engi­neers and artists 
  • Class­room book or gift for teachers 
  • Rube Gold­berg fans of all ages

Awards and Recognition

Junior Library Guild Gold Standard