speaking and workshops

   and workshops

Catherine Thimmesh TedX Talk

I am fre­quent­ly asked to speak at schools and con­fer­ences. Whether I’m talk­ing with stu­dents about books, writ­ing, inven­tion, sci­ence, or research … or address­ing a room­ful of librar­i­ans, edu­ca­tors, or writ­ers … I accept the chal­lenge to engage my lis­ten­ers in dis­cov­ery and wonder.

Dur­ing my Vir­tu­al Vis­its, I work to engage, con­nect, inter­act, inform, and inspire the stu­dents. My vis­its com­ple­ment the cur­ricu­lum and sup­port ongo­ing teach­ing efforts. All pro­grams can be adapt­ed for grades (K‑1) (2–3) (4–6) (7–8). Pro­gram details.

Vis­it­ing schools: I will make up to three pre­sen­ta­tions per day to grades pre‑K through 6. Small groups, class­rooms, book clubs, and assem­blies are all possible.

Speak­ing at con­fer­ences: I am hap­py to pro­vide a keynote, ses­sions, or work­shops. We can engage in expe­ri­en­tial, hands-on learn­ing, writ­ing, or dis­cus­sions about sci­ence and research.

Aha! Academy

Cre­ativ­i­ty Work­shops for Kids with award-win­ning children’s author, Cather­ine, who’s also a go-to cre­ativ­i­ty expert and deliv­ered a pop­u­lar TEDx talk on cre­ativ­i­ty in the class­room. Fun, hands-on, inter­ac­tive, cre­ative prob­lem-solv­ing and crit­i­cal think­ing work­shops. (K‑8) Com­mon core friend­ly. Con­tact ahaacademy4u@gmail.com or through the con­tact page on this site to book work­shops or for addi­tion­al information.

Creativity statistics

Please con­tact me to inquire about pro­grams, fees, and availability.